Terms and Conditions
The Original Open Market is held on a City of Onkaparinga reserve, and therefore strict rules apply compared to most other markets. We operate with agreement from the City of Onkaparinga, under strict Development Plan criteria. With the combination of the Development Plan rules and the Original Open Market Inc. rules, the result is a tightly controlled, friendly venue.
Your compliance with our mandate will ensure the continued support of this market.
All persons entering the market area must agree to abide by the following conditions:
Your compliance with our mandate will ensure the continued support of this market.
- Only home grown plants and produce, arts and crafts, pre-used items and food are permitted.
- Stall holders selling food must seek approval from the Original Open Market committee first and will need to produce copies of their Public Liability Insurance and City of Onkaparinga Council Food Assessment certificate.
- No commercial trading is allowed. This includes shopkeepers, wholesalers and suppliers to or from retail or wholesale outlets, new packaged auction goods and factory rejects. We do not allow Independent Business Owners (such as Avon, Amway, Tupperware, Herbalife, etc.) involved in multi-level marketing.
- We are a nonsectarian and non-political market. This means we also prohibit tarot readings which may be considered a spiritual practice.
- There is a no smoking policy in place for all stall holders. If smoking is required, please smoke on the boundary of the market reserve.
- We ask that stall holders do not bring their dogs along as we don't approve of keeping them at the market all day.
All persons entering the market area must agree to abide by the following conditions:
- It is unconditionally accepted that the Original Open Market Committee will not be liable for any personal injury to, or any loss or damage incurred by, any person entering the market, whether caused by any neglect, act, or default of any servant or any agent of the Original Open Market Committee or caused by the negligence or omission of any stallholder.
- The Original Open Market Committee accepts no responsibility for any transactions taking place within the market, nor requires any commission.
- The Original Open Market Committee reserves the right at all times to eject, or cause to be ejected from the site, any persons and their chattels and refuse admission, and/or ban from future attendance to the market, anyone, without giving any reason whatsoever.
- Stallholders must book and pre-purchase a ticket for the site from the Ticket Officer and tickets must be produced on demand by a committee member. Tickets are non-negotiable and non refundable.
- Stall length will be to a maximum of the length of the vehicle or the vehicle and trailer.
- Selling from the stall side of trailers only, provided a minimum three-metre stall be maintained.
- A two-metre emergency walkway must be maintained between stalls.
- No domestic pets may be offered for sale. Live birds and fish are an exception.
- No cosmetic products, be it commercial or home-made, are allowed for sale. Bath soaps, bath salts and bath bombs are permitted provided the vendor holds a public liability insurance (a copy must be provided when booking a stall site).
- Handcraft stalls must display a prominent notice stating "HOME-MADE HOBBY CRAFT".
- New items in bulk (eg. liquidated shop stock, new cosmetic products) are forbidden. One-off new goods are allowed.
- No gambling, lotteries, bingo, etc.
- No kitchen knives and sharp garden tools are allowed for sale (due to public safety).
- Stallholders must completely clear and clean site before leaving. Cardboard cartons must be taken home with you. Do not leave rubbish alongside bins or shop recycling bins.
- Motor Vehicles are not permitted for sale - any "for sale" sign must be removed from vehicle.
- Cots, bassinettes, and car baby seats are forbidden unless complying with Australian Safety Standards.
- A receipt should be offered for car parts, computers and components, and electricals that are sold.
- People collecting goods in a vehicle must contact committee first.
- No vehicles to enter market reserve except under control of committee members who shall be set up prior to market opening for administrative and control purposes.